Your Path to Financial Independence Begins Here Start Your Retirement Plan Now
Piggy bank representing savings for early retirement

Essential Tools for Financial Independence

Early Retirement Calculator

Plan your journey to financial freedom with our intuitive Early Retirement Calculator. Input your current financial information, set your goals, and visualize your path to early retirement. Discover how your savings rate, investment returns, and expenses impact your retirement timeline, and adjust your strategy to achieve financial independence faster.

Create your first Early Retirement Plan

Investment Simulators

Explore historical market performance with our Investment Simulators for the S&P 500, Nasdaq, and Dow Jones indices. Gain insights on how past investments would have fared under different market conditions and timeframes. Learn from history to make informed decisions about your investment strategy and build a robust portfolio for your journey to financial independence.

Simulate a Global Index Investment

Fresh Ideas for Your Financial Journey

Your Pocket Guide to Financial Independence

Access all the powerful tools and resources you need to achieve financial independence right from your mobile home screen. Our website is now available as a Progressive Web App (PWA), ensuring faster load times, offline access, and an immersive full-screen experience.

No need to download from an app store — just visit our site on your mobile browser and add it to your home screen for quick, easy access. Plan your early retirement, simulate investments, read the latest blog posts, and more, all at your fingertips!

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